Monthly Archives: January 2017


Donald Trump seeks to register “Keep America Great!” trademark in Russia

The company of the US President Donald Trump ‘Trump Organization’ filed an application with Rospatent to register two trademarks in Russia: ‘Keep America Great!’ and ‘Сохраним Америку великой!’ (translated into Russian). This is reported by the Moscow City News Agency with a reference to a copy of the relevant document in its possession.

“I was approached by Trump Organization’s lawyers asking for help in registering ‘Keep America Great!’ and ‘Сохраним Америку великой!’ brands; at the moment, they are commissioned by Donald Trump to register this slogan almost all over the world before the 2020 US presidential election”, said an anonymous Russian patent attorney who provides advice on trademark registration in Russia.

According to him, this trademark registration is sought in attempt to protect the rights to the brand. It is believed that this slogan is supposed to be used in 2020 for the pre-election campaigning of Americans living in Russia. The news agency notes that Trump himself, and also his company and family members, hold several trademarks in Russia at the moment, including ‘Trump Tower’, ‘Trump Home’, ‘Trump’, ‘Ivanka Trump’, ‘Ivanka’, ‘Trump international hotel and tower’, which cover real estate development, various retail products, such as jewelry, and also advertising.

During the presidential election campaign in the US in 2016, Trump’s motto was “Make America great again!”. Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th US president took place on January 20th, 2017. In his speech, he said that his main priority would be working for the benefit of the United States, and promised to return power to the American people. “Starting from this day, we will be guided by a new principle: America is above all”, declared the head of state.