Tag Archives: unusual trademarks

Russian Folk Craft Design

Russian folk craft designs to become a trademark

The characteristic Russian graphic elements that occur in folk crafts can be registered as trademarks in Russia. The proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Trade from the Association of Art Industry Market and the National Union of Artistic Festivals.

If the initiative is approved, manufacturers will be obliged to pay a special tax for the use of these designs.

The authors of the proposal believe that this is an effective way to deal with counterfeit products and counterfeit souvenirs abroad.

First of all, it is true for the famous “Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”, “Zhostovo” craft products. These names have already been registered as trademarks, but this is not enough to combat counterfeiting.

Dmitry Medvedev

“Dimon” trademark to be registered in Russia

Rospatent received an application for the registration of “Dimon” trademark in Russia. The application was published on the website of the Russian Patent and Trademark Office.

The applicant is Maria Iris, ColleMassari winemaking company’s owner. The applicant’s address is a small house in the village of Poggi del Sasso in central Italy.

The brand is to be registered under 16th, 33rd, and 35th Nice classes, thus covering alcoholic beverages, packaging materials, and also to be used in advertising.

The assistant manager of the winery Fattoria della Aiola who appears in Alexei Navalny’s investigation “He is not Dimon” targeting Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Daria Ivleva stated that ColleMassari, a competitor of their company, applied for brand registration in Russia in order to gain profit from the scandal in relation to Medvedev. She noted that ColleMassari is a well-known company in Tuscany.

“Dimon” nickname (rude for “Dmitry”) of the Russia’s prime minister Dmitry Medvedev was carelessly coined by his own press secretary Natalia Timakova when commenting her boss’ corruption allegations made in 2016.